Public Art

Basilica of San Albino, Mesilla, New Mexico

San Albino
            Basilica Retablo by Virginia Maria Romero
Basilica of San Albino ©2009

Santera Virginia Maria Romero was commissioned in 2009 by Reverend Richard Catanach, Rector of the Basilica of San Albino, to create a retablo representing the newly designated Basilica of San Albino by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI.  This retablo, Basilica of San Albino is on permanent exhibit at the Basilica.  Commemorative tiles of this retablo are now available to the public at the Basilica.  For information regarding the acquisition of this commemorative tile contact the Basilica of San Albino, Mesilla, New Mexico at 575.526.9349.

San Albino, Bishop of Angers in France, was a noted miracle worker during his lifetime including the healing of the sick and restoring sight to the blind.  He was generous to the poor, especially widows with many children.  He also ransomed slaves who were carried off by barbarians or pirates.  Shortly after the death of San Albino in 549 A.D. at the age of 80, his grave became a popular pilgrimage destination for the faithful seeking healing.  His Feast Day is March 1st.